Hello Mr Fahey, I'm a subscriber and more power to your work. I'm sorry to hijack here, but I imagine you or one of your confreres will be onto this?


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Thank you. We have definitely discussed this article. Though personally, I only got through the first few paragraphs before I realized it was a completely thoughtless waste of time.

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This is a very good article! Incidentally, I'm in the process of writing an article on a similar topic for WPI: the fact that the "new Mass" has a different spirituality than the "old Mass". Traditionalists treat this as a "gotcha" point, but it really isn't an issue if "different" is not seen as "opposed".

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Dear Paul Fahey, I hope you are not put off by my many posts in response to your post and for which post by you I am grateful for my part to “put into action an educational project” (TTMHS, PCF, 1995, 24).

This educational project is directed of me to put into action by the Pope’s Council for the Laity Vice President, Bishop Paul Cordes, in his letter to the Kenmore Catholic Community of the roman catholic role group archdiocese of Brisbane, Australia, dated 28 September 1994, addressing me by stating: "At this point you must take the steps to sustain what you consider to be your rights on the issue of my protesting as a catechist of roman catholic religion abuse of the roman catholic role groups discipline on reception of roman catholic role group Eucharist.

At this time and until 1 November 2017 as unknown to all except my mother (d. 2000), I was in a role in the anglo-catholic helper of families role group, as a catechist in this roman catholic role group Community of roman catholic role group religion.

I was also as unknown to all except perhaps my mother not validly married under roman catholic role group rites and canon law 1097.2: “Error about a quality of the person …”, on 8 May 1970 with Jane Elizabeth Churchill.

I became I believe in uncertainty validly and properly married from 1986 following my real wife now, Jane Elizabeth Clark (nee Churchill), from 1986 exposing the roman catholic ecumenical role group Focolare’s attempted inversion of gift and need.

This attempt was evident in the letter in reply, dated 28 November 1979, to my wife to be, Jane Clark’s, letter, dated 22 October 1979, to the President and co-founder of the Focolare Movement, Chiara Lubich, from the secretary of Chiara Lubich, giving her name only as “Eli”. Cardinal Angelo Becciu is in a role in this Focolare Movement and evidently infected by its attempted inversion of its procreation, gift role position, within the family and its family members identities in need of union momentum.

A clarification of ‘Space and Time’ was given on 2 August 1977 by world renowned convert to Catholicism in 1936, economist and statistician, Colin Clark, my father, in referring to “a slight advance” referring to the multiplier in economics in: “… just about paripassu rate of growth of population and food supplies in the developing countries.”

Where this multiplier in economics is referred to as in “Jn 6” is stated in my letter to the roman catholic archbishop of the archdiocese of Brisbane, Australia, role group, dated 20 April 1991, acknowledged and replied to by letter to me, dated 15 May 1991, from the Deputy Director of Education and Faith Education Coordinator of this archdiocese role group. Fr Ronald John McKeirnan, who was later convicted in September 1998 in the Brisbane District Court of ephebophilia offences against nine adolescent children.

This conviction was consequent on the application of observation measurement terms for insuring mercy momentum and ensuring justice position simultaneously in keeping their inseparability and qualitative equality by the Job’s Trust Disability Trust represented by me as a trustee.

There is a lack of “capabilities and … conceptions” (Paul Cordes, Charisms and new evangelisation, 1990, p.150) of persons in roman catholic role groups to apply observation measurement terms simultaneously (as was applied simultaneously for the position and the momentum of the Higgs Boson sub-atomic particle on 4 July 2012 at the Swiss Hydron Collider) for ensuring position of helpers of the family procreation gift role within the family and insuring union of identities momentum of family members.

These capabilities and conceptions are needed in out-hiding or out-occulting the occult evil of grooming by familyist family persons of psychologically and/or emotionally vulnerable purported presumed helpers of the family with hidden as occult, incest connected as substitute mate, non-economic status inducements for short-term economic tax and insurance advantages for the families of these familyist groomers.

This lack is due to these persons in roman catholic role groups' addictions to purported presumed thinking and/or purported presumed having faith with the OED giving thinking and having faith as alternative meanings of “believe” or “belief”.

To believe or have belief, which means always in some state of uncertainty, is the keeping or allowing the inseparability and qualitative equality of thinking and having faith contrary to the OED meanings as alternative meanings of belief or believing.

Oliver Clark

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I have read Reno’s piece in First Things. Avery Dulles sj in First Things in 1990 pointed to the Pentecostal Protestant and Catholic Charismatic evangelicals for insight.

The evil is occult as hidden and it is incest connected grooming of psychologically and/or emotionally vulnerable family members with hidden, incest connected, non-economic status inducements (cf. 1 Cor 7:25-34) for economic short-term tax and insurance advantages of the familyist family person groomers’ families.

Only something more hidden could withstand the extreme tensions it causes; that is, out camouflaging it, in keeping or allowing covenant, non-presumed reciprocity of ensuring procreation and insuring union in marriage.

What achieved this out-hiding from this hidden evil was a letter, dated 22 October 1979, six days after Pope John Paul 11’s Post-Synodal Exhortation: “Catechesis in Our Time”, purported presumed at n.16: “On another level, parents have a unique responsibility … in this education of the believing conscience”, when it is an inseparable and equal in quality and quantity responsibility of each family member.

This letter from my purported presumed roman catholic role group wife to be from 1986, and receiving adult baptism from a Pentecostal Protestant minister in early 1992, Jane Clark (nee Churchill, relative of Winston Churchill), to the consecrated celibate, Chiara Lubich, co-founder with the married Igino Giordani and President of the ecumenical, accredited at the Vatican from 1962, Focolare Movement, achieved this out-hiding as evident in what this letter as from a family member by associating together with me as a family member of a valid and proper marriage of my parents by my choice (cf. the C3rd AD Christian theologian, Origen’s, speculation on pre-existence) from just prior to my conception in April-May 1946 unearthed in the letter in reply from Lubich’s secretary, Eli (surname nor given), dated 28 November 1979.

This letter from Eli asserted as on behalf of Chiara Lubich attempted inversion of gift and need by falsely representing my wife’s explicit gift to Chiara Lubich in her letter, dated 22 October 1979, of example of her testimony of believing in uncertainty in how “beautiful” is Christ and how “wonderful is His love” in her seeing “together” with me in her: “… idea of myself, my life, my marriage and my relationship with the Focolare have all collapsed – at least God has caused them to & I rejoice in it. I know that only God can build anything that that He is working and all I have to do is to love in the way you have shown us”, difficulties as in his both “abandonment” and resurrection as a need of my wife to be, Jane Clark.

Cardinal Angelo Becciu stripped of all his privileges as a Cardinal while retaining the role title by Pope Francis on 26 September 2020 as a person in the Focolare Movement is with nine others at the Pope's Secretariat of State infected by this attempted inversion as also is the Italian Government/State as influenced by the Focolare Movement with both groups treated with justice and mercy having their inseparability and qualitative equality kept or allowed by Pope Francis.

Attention is needed to the difficulties of ecumenical roman catholic movements in understanding that they are procreation roles as helper of the family groups and not family identity union groups.

Explicit rewording is needed of Pope Paul V1’s Encyclical Letter: “Of Human Life”, Humanae Vitae, 1968, 12: “Two Inseparable Aspects: Union and Procreation” to include ‘Qualitatively Equal’.

This rewording can only be authorised by the family in its keeping or allowing the inseparability and qualitative equality of its procreation role and its union identity exercising an absolute power of “authorisation” (Pope John Paul 11’s Post Synodal Exhortation: Letter to Families”, GS, 1994, 16).

Scientists, Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Einstein and now quantum physicist, Peter Higgs, from his prediction in 1964, proved on 4 July 2012 at the Swiss Hydron Collider, have improved our believing in uncertainty in the inseparability and qualitative equality of position and momentum on which you quote Pope Francis as saying “Time is greater than Space.”

It has taken Time and Space to be understood as relative to see the falsehoods:

- that on an opinion of the unmarried St Paul that he states as reported “not given him by God” that the married are “divided” while the unmarried are “undivided”, - -- -

- of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius stating as a “Rule”, n.356, for [purported presumed]: “… Thinking with the Church”, that: “… marriage ought not be praised as much as much as … religious life, virginity, continence;

- of Pope Pius X11: “… holy virginity surpasses marriage in excellence.”, Vatican Council 2 “Declaration on the Training of Priests”, OT, 1965, 10: “… the greater excellence of virginity consecrated to Christ ...”, referencing Sacra Virginitas, 1954,

- of Pope John Paul’s “Letter to Families”, Familiaris Consortio, 1981 purporting presuming: “… the Church has constantly defended the superiority of this charism [virginity or celibacy] to marriage …”,

- of “The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality: Guidelines for Education Within the Family”, TTMHS, PCF, 1995, 35: “… calling to the higher vocation of virginity or celibacy for the love of the kingdom of heaven.”, Pope John Paul 11’s: “On the Consecrated Life”,

- of Vita Consecrata, 1996, 62 purporting presuming that consecrated marriage: “… by reason of the above mentioned principle of discernment”, is not to be included in the same “specific category of consecrated life.”,

- and: Pope Benedict XV1 in his “Introduction to the Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church” released by Vatican Radio on 3 February 2011 purporting presuming about youth: “… you all know how the community of believers has recently been wounded by the attacks of evil, by the penetration of sin inside, even into the heart of the Church”, when this sin originating within the family (cf 1 Cor 7:25-34) has always not only “recently” infected the whole community in a “worldwide catastrophe” (Pope Francis, letter to Cardinal Reinhard Marx released on 10 June 2021.

Oliver Clark for the trustees of the Job’s Trust Disability Trust, valid and proper family members of valid and proper marriages made as families “aware of its identity … and its role… . In such a way the family can and must require from all … the respect for those rights …” (CL, 40) that helpers of the family “consider to be your rights” (letter of the Pope’s Vice President of his Council for the Laity, Bishop Paul Cordes, to the Kenmore Catholic Community of the Archdiocese of Brisbane, Australia addressing me in my role as I believe in uncertainty an anglo-catholic catechist of roman catholic role group religion directing me “to sustain” these “rights”) that were and continue to be not respected by compensating for injury the victims of these falsehoods.

Francis and his predecessors

Paul Fahey

12 hr ago

1 3

R. R. Reno, and the publication First Things, has been consistently critical of the pope for a while now. I read this new article by Reno because it mentions Shaun Blanchard’s excellent analysis of Traditionis Custodes (that I’ve mentioned before). I thought that Reno's line about how “one gains a sense of a pope’s program by whom he’ll put up with—and whom he denounces and disciplines” was thoughtful. However, his overall assessment of Francis is fundamentally flawed.

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Catholic moral theologian/philosopher, Professor William E. May, on the theological commission advising the Roman Catholic role group in First Things in late 1990 purported to expose Fr Bernard Haaring cssr's ethical utilitarianism on marriage on reception of eucharist in purported thought or purported had faith to be invalid marriages or relationships not either purported thought or purported had faith to be marriages. Pope Francis may get it right in Amoris Laetitia but does he get it right in continuing to promote that: "... the family ... might be regarded as the domestic church..." (LG, 1965, 11) or in not simultaneously authorising, if he did not, his Secretariat of State's procreation ensuring indictments of Cardinal Becciu and nine others for embezzlement of charity donations and its protest note to the Italian State/Government against a risk of fraud on union insurance for valid and proper family members of valid and proper marriages?

This uncontrollable oscillation between purported presumed thinking and purported presumed having faith when both are addictions only gaining respite by belief (cf. A.A. Step Two: "Came to believe...") requires exorcism such as for the roman catholic role group Pope Francis centralised in Caris in late 2020.

Thank you, Paul, for your part in stimulating this conversation.

I judge conscious that: "Without objective social confirmation, man's judgement on his own conceptions and his own capabilities remain unstable and mutable (Paul Cordes when Bishop Vice President of the Pope's Council for the Laity, "Charisms and new evangelisation", English translation of 1990 edition in German, St Paul, 1992, p.150), that your purported presumed thinking assessment: "I thought that Reno's line about how “one gains a sense of a pope’s program by whom he’ll put up with—and whom he denounces and disciplines” was thoughtful.", was purported presumed thoughtful.

Why do you not use the words "believe in uncertainty" instead of "thought" and "believable in uncertainty" instead of "thoughtful? Are you suffering one or other of these addictions?

Oliver Clark

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Paul, further the ethical challenge in non-utilitarian ethics is simultaneous ensuring and insuring causing simultaneous, hence non-consequential, ensuring by helpers of the family and simultaneous insuring by family members.

My previous post listed some of these on 25 February 1991 ensuring - ensuring on respect for catholic Eucharist and 24 January 1995 ensuring - insuring on respect for Marriage.

On 18 February 2000 there was my simultaneous insuring, insuring - insuring, on respect for Marriage in my family member identities in respect of the Society of Jesus Province Leader for Australia, Fr Day sj, and Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, Australia archbishop, Archbishop George Pell, as purported presumed helpers of families by ensuring with the same letter for insuring in my two identities sent to both on this day.

It looks like Becciu or one of his Focolare allies did try to frame Pell from 2017 when Pell as Prefect for the Economy was investigating the financial dealings of Pope Francis's Secretariat of State. This framing if such would it appear be for alleged child sexual abuse by Pell in his Melbourne cathedral from late 1996 on which Pell had to wait over a year in prison for his conviction to be overturned by the Australian High Court on appeal in 2021.

This disruption between purported presumed helpers of the family can only abate when the family is of valid and proper members of valid and proper marriage. Pope Francis has exercised justice and mercy with both Becciu and nine others and the Italian State (cf. Andrea Tornielli's book, Bluebird, 2017: "Pope Francis: The Name of God is Mercy")

Oliver Clark

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To Paul Fahey, Thank you for this. Well done is my judgement in my belief in uncertainty!

May I pose some questions that arise in light of my own work in this area with the accredited catholic priest exorcist of the roman catholic archdiocese of Brisbane, Fr Gregory Jordan sj, as documented from 1991 to 2014:

Does the purported presumed help of families, including by JP2,, Benedict and Francis, remain occult evil to the extent the family has not exercised its absolute power of "authorisation" (Pope JP2, GS, 1994, 16) of this evil's presence to expel it (exorcism)?

Did Francis if "associating together" (TTMHS, PCF, 1995, 24) with at least one other valid and proper family member of a valid and proper marriage "can and must" (CL, 1988, 40) exercise this absolute power?

Is Francis such a family member?

Is there at least one other such family member?

Was my father, economist and statistician and convert to catholicism in 1936, Colin Clark, one other such family member?

Was Colin Clark's: "... reference point, through both advice and example ..." (TTMHS, 110) for me as his son through my adopting it in my marriage with Jane Churchill, a relative of Winston Churchill?

Did Winston Churchill exercise privilege to expose UK PM Chamberlain's occult concealment of the UK's unpreparedness for war.

Did Jane Churchill in her letter to Chiara Lubich, dated 22 October 1979, exercise privilege to expose my and the Focolare Movement's occult concealment of our unpreparedness for exercising the absolute power of "Real Presence" to withstand the occult evil of the "worldwide catastrophe" as described in Pope Francis' letter to Cardinal Reinhard Marx released on 10 June 2021?

Was Cardinal Angelo Becciu and/or the Italian State under the influence of the Focolare Movement when Becciu plus nine others were indicted in June/July 2021 for embezzlement of charity donations from helpers of the family within the family on authorisation of Pope Francis and a protest note from Pope Francis' Secretariat of State was sent in June/July 2021 to the Italian Government against an unacceptable risk of fraud on valid and proper members of valid and proper marriages by the "Zan" anti homophobia bill before the Italian Parliament?

Were this indictment and this protest note simultaneous?

Were my giving and receiving a question on 25 February 1991 on respect for roman catholic discipline on reception of roman catholic Eucharist simultaneous as recorded in the minutes of the annual general meeting of the Brigidene Association of Parents and Friends Indooroopilly, Brisbane, Australia?

Was my proposal on 15 April 1991 for preventing abuse of roman catholic discipline on reception of roman catholic Eucharist simultaneous with my acting to prevent this abuse (both proposal and action recorded in these minutes)?

Was my providing a copy of my four page handwritten statement witnessed by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane Kenmore Catholic Community parish priest, Fr S.A. Wagner, of my information of complaints of abuse of marriage by clerical sexual abuse of children and vulnerable adults and its cover up by the superior, roman catholic Archbishop of Brisbane, Francis Rush, of the alleged priest offender, Fr Ronald John McKeirnan, dated 21 January 1995, to myself in my identity as a family member, to the Queensland, Australia police, and to two of the Pope's dicasteries on 24 January 1995 simultaneous?

Did the letter in reply to the letter of Jane Clark (nee Churchill), dated 22 October 1979, to Chiara Lubich from the secretary of Chiara Lubich, Eli, dated 28 November 1979, attempt as purported on behalf of Chiara Lubich to conceal the unpreparedness of the Focolare Movement for exercising this absolute power of "Real Presence" for as above?

Is there this "associating together" or a possibility of it?

Did the discovery of the Higgs Boson on 4 July 2012 by simultaneous applications of observation measurement terms for position and momentum of a sub-atomic particle act as a reference point for Pope Francis' not teaching that there was entrustment of the care of the child Jesus to St Joseph in his homily for the Feast of St Joseph on 19 March 2013 and for Pope Francis' subsequent teaching on "custody" of care of vulnerable family members and his action on this custody (cf. Vat 2, "Declaration on Christian Education", Gravissimum Educationis, 1965, 3)?

Is it "development of doctrine" (Newman) or the extreme tensions caused by this fraud and this embezzlement been withstood by this absolute power of authorisation as above (cf. 1 Cor 7:25-34)?

In the belief in uncertainty reported of Mary by her cousin, Elizabeth, in Luke 1:45,

Oliver Clark (accredited by the catholic archdiocese of Brisbane anglo-catholic as I believe in uncertainty catechist of roman catholic religion), for the trustees of the Job's Trust Disability Trust, E. oliver_clark5@telstra.com; Ph +61 - (0)467299853; Unit 8, 178 Kent Street, New Farm, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

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